Description of first Slide goes here.Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae...

Description of second Slide goes here.Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
photo alien in city park
Photo below was taken by a professional photographer named Enrique Sepulvada in a city park in Chile on May 24, 2004. In the photo, seen a strange creature was crossing the road. He realized there are such objects when he downloaded the images to your computer. The photo has been checked and confirmed not a hoax. Sites on the Internet began to discuss this photo and said the camera caught the creature is an alien.
According to the researchers, if the photo is the result of photoshop trick, then certainly that makes it is a very talented because it would be very difficult to produce a trick like that shown in the photo. But one question still tickles my mind, when Enrique is a professional photographer, why the results jepretannya blurry? Hmm ...
That little guy .. see?
Bounaroti Michelangelo (1475-1564) is a sculptor, painter and architect famous of Italy in the Renaissance, a great artist is versatile and knowledgeable. Expertise in the field of gouge, painting, building, and poetry collected at once united in him.
He worked diligently throughout his life despite the way the creations of over 70 years it experienced many disappointments and misery, has spawned a lot of wonderful works that are exemplary, has been added sheets for eternal treasures of human civilization. The work of sculpture entitled to this day still serve as a lesson for plagiarized material for each novice who learned to paint.
On the ceiling, the central hall of the Cathedral Sistine, Michelangelo in a row have been painted fresco ceiling religious 9 units in the field framed by the frame / beam construction.
Michelangelo has represented the highest sculpture in Renaissance Europe, human sculpture gallant, charismatic, filled with energy that seems limitless. A large number of his works in the realistic depiction of the basic occupied spiritual power that is not common, a typical symbol of a whole era. Michelangelo's art is different from the spirit of scientific and philosophical considerations of Da Vinci and on in his artwork has been poured full of excitement yourself that is tragic. The nature of this tragic diexpresikan out with a beautiful and majestic style and heroes he created besides being an ideal symbol is also a reflection of reality. The things that make his artwork into a high peak that is difficult unrivaled in the history of western art.
Michelangelo was born not far from Florence in a noble family Caprese. The father served as mayor of Chiusi and Caprese. It is said that when he was 6 years old his mother died, her father had invited a girl from a mason as a host (mother milk). So when he was a toddler already has the disposition of a mason, so that later became professor of sculptors and establish a lifelong soul mate relationship with the emeralds.
Since childhood, Michelangelo had loved art. Although the father is not willing him to be an expert art low social status, but eventually went along with her wishes anyway. Initially he studied painting at the famous Florentine painter, Domenico Ghirlandaio, then studied sculpture under the direction of Lorenzo de 'Medici. Clan Medici art collection is very much more and create more open-minded Michelangelo. When he was 16 years old had completed his first sculptures
1496 Michelangelo came to Rome that he had long dreamed. Soon he had produced. Sculptures at the beginning of this period has shown his artistic creativity is very high. In these works, the dying Christ lying in the lap of his mother, the mother looked down toward his son, filled with pain and compassion. The complete works of making people other than that, there are grieving along with a sense of beauty, after exhibited directly cause a commotion throughout the city of Rome, people somehow do not think that this is the work of newcomers who are not even 25 years old.
In Rome, Michelangelo was in touch with the works of great teachers of old, his art skills have progressed rapidly. Spring of 1501 after he returned to Florence to create the statue.
is the work that brought success to Michelangelo, themanya taken from fairy tales. King David of ancient Israel, in his youth had been a shepherd. On a day when he was delivering food to the battlefield to his brothers met with a cruel giant Goliath of the enemy who was raging, when danger threatens, David used a stone thrower and managed to destroy Goliath. Michelangelo's statue of David to establish a gallant young man, being sturdy and resilient, a pair of sharp eyes shining, slightly bowed his head, glanced wrath toward the front, while the left hand holding a "stone thrower" resting on their shoulders, as if ready at any when to send the deadly attacks to enemies. The statue is strongly radiates courage and strength of the fighter for justice.
For the sake of Michelangelo's statue has spent about 3 years, making it almost reached the level flawless condition. The success, makes Michelangelo as the greatest sculptor of experts at the time. by the time it is placed on the ground in front of government buildings of Florence, until today you can still enjoy these wonderful works.
In 1503 because ketersohorannya in Florence, the Pope of Rome at that time, Julius II invited him to Rome following the making of the tomb of Pope, lately because of incitement of artists who envy, projects had to be stopped. In 1508, Michelangelo returned to Rome, forced to work on ceiling fresco for the Sistine ceiling of the church which have not once he mastered it well. He felt the time was mixed with sadness and anger unexpectedly mural (fresco ceiling) is even later became his greatest.
Sistine ceiling fresco broad reach about 500 m2, in the history of art is one of the largest murals. Michelangelo in the middle of the hall was set up scaffolding / Clothing have continued to paint religious pictures with 9 units are not standard sizes, all took the theme of the story in the Book of Genesis to the Flood of Noah's Ark, a row is called:
1. God Separating Light from Darkness (God separates light from darkness),
2. Creation of the Sun and Moon (Creation of the sun and the moon),
3. God separates the mainland from the sea (God separates land from the Water) 4.
4. Creation of Adam (The Creation of Adam),
5. Creation of Woman (Creation of Woman),
6. Deceived and Expelled from Eden (Original Sin),
7. Pengkurbanan Noah (The sacrifice of Noah),
8. Flood (the flood),
9. Noah was drunk (Drunkenness of Noah).
The work of the giant Fresco require 4 years later finished. Because tilting the head during a long period of time to paint with great difficulty, neck and neck to be straight and rigid, since then he needs his head looked up in reading drawings and letters.
Fresco ceiling:
Among the mural group, considered the most prominent. The design shows Michelangelo had obtained clues supernatural inspiration, he made Adam as a central body, as if Adam had just woken from a deep sleep and was lying comfortably lazy sideways and his body seems to still shorthanded. But the mighty figure of a young body of Adam is realized by the painter filled with a maximal ideal of beauty and the hidden latent vitality. Adam reached out to touch the hand of God who has bestowed life and flowing with vitality. The touch of the finger of God and the human finger is the focus point of the whole painting, also without a doubt is the symbol of the whole. Things that make people to repeatedly merenunginya is Michelangelo did not let both hands are touched together and emit a creation of God's mysteries. Distance adrift has become an instant bit of waiting has left a lasting and eternal imagination space.
The second year, Julius II died, his successor Pope Leo X decided just made a statue for the tomb of his predecessor. Michelangelo produced three works of marble, is one of them famous. In these works, Florence carving style and style / nature of the space of Rome has been merged seamlessly into one and gained great success. Two other works of each are: and also including works by Michelangelo carving the most successful.
Along with it he built a chapel for the Medici clan in Florence, bequeathed a meaningful sculptural group,,,. Along with that also accept deposits from the Pope of Rome to create a giant mural. Image was started in 1541 and after the last 6 years can only be solved.
It says in the Bible, when the Day of Judgement comes, Christ will perform terakir trial, to punish the wicked and bless the good and determine the final destination of mankind. In the middle of this painting, Christ is seen immediately raised his right hand will emit the Last Judgement. On the left there are groups of followers of Christ who suffer thanks to their beliefs and each of them holding equipment and complained to Christ's persecution.
Michelangelo taking the time almost 6 years new akirnya to complete the picture, instead has been dropped from the top of scaffolding and broken his leg but he is firmly determined to have completed the work that these majestic nuance.
Senior years Michelangelo lived in Rome and his penchant, especially in the areas of the building. At 20 years terakir his lifetime, he was with very great passion plunge in pursuing building projects, designing and organizing the work of St. project. Peter Cathedral building design drawings for the entire Cathedral are all designed by him. High creativity in building make it a renowned expert on Renaissance buildings in Italy.February 18, 1564 Michelangelo 89-year-old died in his office.
Talk up here remember a lot of famous ancient Chinese also often are people who complete science and kewiraannya, or either of them at once mastered astronomy, earth science, rhymes and poems, painting, music and Mathematics. Chinese people today after the 1949 communist party fed with culture, sometimes reasonably considers ancient people not as smart as people now and not ancient semakmur today. However little we are stepping out of the frame loop and check some of the party culture historical material, the flow of the long journey from the first history of human civilization until now will find many glorious pages that makes people now admire in awe!
The oldest bridge in the world are found in India
The oldest bridge in the world are found in IndiaNASA space shuttles have discovered an ancient bridge linking India and Sri Lanka. The bridge was estimated to have 1.75 million years old and at the same time affirming the notes contained in the ancient book of the Ramayana.
For now, the bridge was given the name Adam's Bridge. The bridge was made of a set of mysterious sea shelf along the 30 km in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka. From the shape and composition, the experts concluded that the bridge was made by humans and are not due to natural causes. Legend Archeological and also showed that humans have inhabited Sri Lanka since 1.75 million years ago, together with an estimated age of the bridge.
The findings of this bridge is also a crucial aspect for the edification of mysterious legend called Ramayana which is estimated to occur in the days Tredha Yuga, more than 1.7 million years ago. In the epic Ramayana, it is mentioned that a bridge was built between Rameshwaram (India) and Sri Lankan coast under the supervision of Rama who is the 18th incarnation of Krishna.
This information may not be very important for the archaeologists, but most are not able to open the spiritual gates for the world community who want to know the history associated with Indian mythology
7 Everyday Things That Can Be Trigger CancerThe compound bisphenol A (BPA), which is often found in plastics known as one of the triggers of cancer. Apparently, not a few everyday objects that contain these harmful compounds.
Besides can trigger cancer, BPA is also often associated with various other health disorders. Among heart attack, nerve damage, diabetes impotenisi until death.
In the manufacture of plastic polymers as well as calculating machines, BPA has been used since long. But the new health threat to begin a serious concern since these organic compounds are also found in canned food.
As quoted from CBS News, some examples of everyday objects that contain BPA are as follows.
1. Structural expenditureShopping receipt printed on thermal paper, which is made by using a mixture of BPA. The same type of paper used to print the movie tickets, cash, notes and other evidence of transactions.
The content is tracked in a study published in the journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry September 2010 edition. If you accumulate up to a certain amount, BPA in the papers can lead to impotence.
2. Dental fillingsResearch at Mount Sunai School of Medicine in New York revealed that some types of fillings for cavities contain BPA. Compounds that can get off when reacted with saliva.
However, these studies reveal that the levels are quite safe even in young children. It's just for pregnant women, are advised to be vigilant and consulted with a doctor.
3. Wrap pizzaSome stores pizza wrapped with cardboard wares made of thermal paper material. As mentioned above, thermal paper is a source of BPA that could lead to impotence.
4. Soft drinkThe threat of obesity and dental cavities are the old song that is often touted health experts about soft drinks. Now there is one more reason to reduce consumption of soft drinks, because tin packaging proved to have a plastic coating that contains BPA.
5. Toilet paperA recent study in Denmark revealed that much toilet paper made from recycled paper. In processing, manufacturers sometimes use this type of paper that contain BPA.
6. Food cansJust like soft drinks, canned foods are also packed with a plastic coating that contains BPA. Numerous studies have revealed the existence of the coating on products containing canned tuna, fruits, vegetables and others.
7. Grapes (wine)On the one hand, wine has health benefits because it contains antioxidants that prevent cancer and premature aging. But on the other hand, wine in particular is fermented in the barrel with plastic lining certain that BPA could be contaminated ironically lead to cancer.
JFK assassination
A number of documents and transcripts of conversations about the planned assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) found. Will the mystery and the mastermind behind the murder was revealed?Ruby's Carousel Club, Dallas, United States (U.S.), on October 4, 1963, there was an important conversation about the murder conspiracy. Jack Ruby's Carousel Club as the owner of Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald debated the big plan to "cleanse" John F Kennedy.
Both were arguing loudly with words sharp and full of tension.
Lee: Many ways to clean him (Attorney General Robert Kennedy) without having to kill him?
Ruby: How do I?
Lee: I can shoot his brother.
Ruby: You mean Mr. President.
Lee: Yes, Mr. President.
Ruby: But that action is not patriotic.In the tense conversation that Lee said he would kill all the Kennedy family and need a rifle and a tall building. Later, in conversation, Ruby said, "You ask too many questions. Remember, they know what you plan to do, but you do not know them. They are always watching you ... ".
A month later, on 22 November 1963, JFK was shot dead during a visit to Dallas. JFK which uses a Ford convertible (roof open) was killed instantly so two bullets hit the neck and head, while a convoy of vehicles passing right in front of the Texas Book Depository Scholl. Lee Harvey Oswald was behind the alleged perpetrators of the shooting of JFK.
Meanwhile, Jack Ruby was the man who shot Lee when the police captured. The death of Lee, who had never been brought to justice to make JFK's death a mystery. However, today revealed a link between Lee and Ruby.
It was after the discovery of documents containing both speech transcripts. Important documents that have been stored for four decades in the courts of Dallas was found among piles of papers in some boxes stored on floor 10.
Dallas County DA Craig Watkins stated, this document is not classified as secret. Because, in the box that many documents contain transcripts of JFK assassination plans that collected since 1963.
"We do not know for sure whether the actual transcript of the conversation or not. It will be a debate in society, whether it's true or not, there have been a conspiracy to assassinate the president (JFK), "explained Watkins.In addition, based on conversations between Lee and Ruby, it was revealed that the assassination plan was actually directed towards you JFK, that Robert Kennedy who became attorney general.
Different Opinion submitted Terri Moore, Watkins assistant. He said the transcript of the conversation that has been published in the daily Dallas Morning News was part of the transcript of the film made a director named Henry Wade.
Israel is Behind the JFK Murder
London, Monday - Israel was behind the assassination of U.S. President John F Kennedy in 1963. It happened because of John F Kennedy pressed David Ben Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel at that time, Israel's nuclear problem. Thus expressed by Moderchai Vanunu told the London Arabic-language weekly Al-Hayatt, the results will be published in the newspaper supplement called Al-Wassat.
Vanunu is a former technician at Israel's nuclear reactor in Dimona, southern Negev. Vanunu was jailed after being arrested in 1986 for leaking Mossad secret Dimona nuclear told Britain's Sunday Times newspaper. Israel's nuclear project was already 40 years old, began officially in 1965.
After his release in April 2004, Vanunu is not allowed to talk to strangers, should not be traveling abroad. It is unclear, how she could be interviewed by the media.
On Monday Israel's Supreme Court decided Vanunu in Jerusalem should not be out of Israel and also not allowed to give interviews to the media. "It's sad," said Vanunu.
The reason Israel, Vanunu's mouth was still able to "leak" and disclose details of the Dimona reactor, including the brain behind the nuclear reactor.
Back to the matter of the assassination of John F Kennedy (JFK), Vanunu said, according to an indication that almost certainly, Kennedy was assassinated in connection with the pressure he gave to Ben Gurion in connection with nuclear reactor Dimona.
Ben Gurion was prime minister (PM), the first Israeli who served in the period 1949 to 1954. He was re-elected as prime minister from 1955 to 1963. Ben Gurion was the Polish Jewish descent who was born in 1886 and moved to Israel in 1906.
"We do not know who will show up as a PM and decided to use nuclear weapons in the struggle against neighboring Arab countries," said Vanunu, who now lives in a supervised apartment.
News about the JFK assassination by Israel's role was not very coherent. But clearly, in June 1964 appeared as Prime Minister Levi Eshkol replaces Ben Gurion. Dimona nuclear reactor was started in 1965, but planning has been done before.
OswaldSeparately, a source in Israel told WorldNetDaily said, after the JFK assassination, the Israeli intelligence perform a task to show how Lee Harvey Oswald (JFK shooter) could kill JFK from his position on the 6th floor of a building close to the accompaniment of JFK's motorcade in the city of Dallas .
However, a simulation reveals that the shooter Kennedy uses highly sophisticated equipment, which is mounted on a tripod. Fire equipment is also using a laser tracker targets accurately. The source said, "It's almost impossible for Oswald to shoot up as charged."
During this story circulating about the cause of death of JFK was a conspiracy behind it all, which until now has not been clear as well.
However, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called Ra'anan Gissin said the comments would only make credibility Vanunu Vanunu getting damaged.
Middle East threatenedIn the interview, Vanunu asked the Jordanian government to immediately examine the Jordanian, whether it has been exposed to nuclear radiation or no treatment, and take action immediately. Dimona in southern Israel and the border with Jordan.
Vanunu also said that Israel now has weapons that could destroy the region and kill millions of people. He added that the Middle East is now at risk if exposed to nuclear radiation accident at the Dimona nuclear reactor, or the accident would be similar to a "second Chernobyl", taking the story about the deadly Ukraine nuclear disaster 15,000 people. As a result of the disaster three million people up to now continue to receive compensation.
Vanunu also said the International Atomic Energy Agency Chief Mohamed ElBaradei was given access to actual nuclear reactor, in his visit to Israel two weeks ago.
In a study of acupuncture health experts held oneacupuncture. This is evidenced in terms of health.
Drinking water that enter through drink while sitting will be screened by sfringer.Sfringer is a structure maskuler (muscular) that can be opened (so that urine can pass) and close. Any water we drink will be provided at stations located in the kidney filtration ....
Now if we drank standing, water we drink without filtered again.Jump to the bladder ... When directly to the bladder, the ureter disaluran deposition occurs ..
Because many wastes that menyisa in the ureter. This is what cancrystal causes kidney disease.
One of the dangerous kidney disease .. Hard piss cause. .
The fix:1. get used to drinking room.2. drink plenty of water but not excessive and do not rush