
Monday, November 22, 2010

Great Earthquake Will Hit Indonesia

Posted by snug of world | Monday, November 22, 2010 | Category: |

Earthquake expert group of scientists led by John McCloskey sent a letter to the British magazine Nature Geoscience in which warned that the possibility of a devastating earthquake will occur in the sea off Sumatra and the city of Padang, which will cause tsunami waves, with destructive power far greater than large tsunami waves that occur in South Asia in 2004.
While scientists from the University of Texas also warned slab fracture of the earth's crust in the vicinity of Haiti is also being enlarged, and the countries that are along this fault line have to prepare themselves in facing the earthquake magnitude greater.
According to the BBC, Professor McCloskey from the University of Astor Northern Ireland has led a group of researchers to conduct research and analysis since the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004. This team never precisely predict aftershocks that occurred in Sumatra in 2005.
After the devastating earthquake in Haiti, she accused the international community that are less responsive to the earthquake disaster prevention measures as a "disgrace". He said the government should take precautions before the earthquake occurred, and no new only provide relief after a disaster occurs.
Each country would have made preparations before the war happened, but very few countries who think of the poor in their respective countries when natural disasters occurred.
The 8.5 magnitude quake in offshore Indonesia
The investigators point out, the cause of the earthquake threat this time is because the pressure at sea Sunda Trench niche continuous increase its pressure during the last 200 years. This Sunda Trench position parallel to the western coastline of Sumatra island, which is one row of dots famous earthquakes around the world.
In the letter the scientists did not hesitate to show that the Mentawai plate Patch now "nearing the threshold", and states that earthquakes can not be avoided anymore. And this region is known as the Mentawai Islands in Indonesia.
Generally, earthquake scientists can not be sure when a quake will occur and how much strength, but the group announced, "In the Mentawai region is likely to occur a massive earthquake measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale, and will cause a big tsunami," which means big tsunami struck South Asia in 2004 ago will happen again, perhaps even more pronounced.

Schematic details of the earthquake in the Sunda Trench. (INTERNET)The earthquake last year has not surutkan pressure
In March 2005, McCloskey had warned that in the Indonesian earthquake will happen earthquake measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale, and will cause tsunami waves, and estimates is also a fact 2 weeks later. On March 28, 2005, on the island of Simeulue, Indonesia, an earthquake measuring 8.6 on the Richter scale by the tsunami waves as high as 3 meters.
At the bottom of Siberut island near Sumatra earthquake measuring 8.7 has occurred on the Richter scale in 1797, leading to fracture plates to shift as far as 10 meters and caused a tsunami that could drown the Padang and the surrounding area.
And since then the pressure on oceanic plates are constantly accumulating, and the terrible earthquake that occurred last year has not been able to dampen the pressure force urging the Mentawai islands.
The quake may have an impact on the earth's crust plates
According to Paul Mann, the scientists geophysics from the University of Texas Austin, on January 15, then revealed to the news agency AFP, the warning was addressed to the Haitian state has just hit the earthquake and its surrounding countries, to prepare themselves in facing a bigger quake which will soon occur.He showed, despite the pressure plate in Port-au-Prince has somewhat decreased, but the slabs adjacent to it is increasing its pressure.

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