
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mystery of kuyang oil From Borneo island

Posted by snug of world | Sunday, November 14, 2010 | Category: |

Kuyang oil or oil kawiyang pesugihan is one form of black magic in Kalimantan, which has a long history of civilization accompany the tribes in the land of Borneo. As information is one of the island of Kalimantan in Indonesia, which is an island with country malaysia. Oil is still a lot of people hunted for various purposes. Because including black magic, this oil is only circulated among terentu only.
In the land of Borneo, or kawiyang Kuyang oil are well known, to the extent that many people searching for these rare objects. Apart from being pesugihan, kuyang oil has also been identified to make the owner ageless and several other keguanaan properties. Oil Kawiyang have different names in every region of Borneo, some call it kuyang oil, there is also named as oil Sumbulik
To date, origin unknown origin kuyang oil, because every region of Kalimantan has a "production" itself. The best known is the "production" of the mountain Kinabalu (North Borneo hinterland, East Malaysia), although there are also in many parts of East Kalimantan.
There are stories behind the origins of this kuyang oil, when the days of old have lived a beautiful widow with four siblings, with names Camariah, Dandaniah, Tambuniah and Uraniah. Beauty look is becoming more and more women became more beautiful, but none of the men who nurture durable household with them. Because every time you marry, not how long it would be divorced.
When about to pass away, came the 99 men who never become husbands. The husband was crying and feeling guilty for having a divorce and left.
When the mood is sad, there are magical voice that whispered that a woman who will die has "cupu" aka a small urn containing the oil to be distributed to 99 men was to "maintain" and as a memento
The unseen voice whispered also that the oil in a jar that has properties. After that, 99 men were carrying a small jar of oil in it to their respective villages and eventually spread everywhere until now. Oil in cupu is then by a resident named Kawiyang Petroleum, Oil or Oil Sumbulik Kunyang. Oil Kuyang has five different kinds of colors and also usefulness. Black colored Kuyang oil first, his usefulness to science of immune, resistant to sharp objects or blow an enemy bullet. Apuah efficacy or other, is the owner can disappear quickly and without a trace.
Oil Kuyang second red, the efficacy of its science is to lighten the body, can run as fast as lightning fast, and can be summoned and ordered the jinn to follow orders given to the owner of this red kuyang oil. Green colored third Kuyang oil, with properties to create and transmit knowledge of witchcraft, teluh, or parangmaya to others who desired.
This green oil can also be used as oil for youth. How, oil dipoleskan in the neck, then neck after dioles kuyang oil will be separated from their owners and flying body searching for victims to suck blood. Usually the victims are looking for is a woman who will give birth. Because the blood coming out of the delivery process will bleed a lot. Most who study this perverted science are women, who in the daytime, always wrapping the scarf or head coverings on their necks for the former olehan kuyang oil is not visible to others.
And the signs of a woman by wrapping a shawl or head covering on their neck is still commonly found in villages in East Kalimantan. People who have knowledge of this Kuyang very scared by the smell of onion or garlic. If any person suspected of having knowledge of this kuyang, peeled onion just as much as possible, then burned his skin. Guaranteed the owner of this black magic is to appeal to not peel the onion skin and burn longer because they will bertetesan tears.
If you want to send witchcraft or teluh from a distance, green kuyang oil is fairly applied to the needle, nail or broken glass, and then ordered to attack people as desired. Needles, nails or broken glass will be a magical entrance into the veins and arteries of people who will be attacked. Yellow colored oil next Kuyang, khsiatnya to subdue the hearts of the women in order to fall in love and follow the wishes of the owner of this kuyang oil.
The way is by rubbing the tip of a finger, then rubbed into the palm of the hand-rub, to subsequently imposed on the woman in question. White colored Kuyang Oil fifth, his usefulness as pelarisan alias as saranan to bring in money magic.
Way, who want to spend money first applied the oil. When it is spent, is supernatural money will be returned to its owner. In order to get a lot of money, usually money that has been applied to the money spent to buy gold. Money back and the gold can be resold.

All kinds of oil is maintained by the genie Kuyang respectively. That said, the oil is black kuyang guarded by a female genie incarnation widow. Meanwhile, other oils guarded by a genie incarnation of women widowed sisters, each named Camariah, Dandaniah, Tambuniah, and Uraniah it.
Besides, every time, usually every year, oil kuyang must be "eating" form of offerings according to their respective functions.
Oil kuyang black blood each year to eat chicken or cemeni black and sticky rice.Oil Kuyang red and green always want blood from a human ring finger and red sugar water.
If oil kuyang white and yellow each time would ask for gold dust.Putting this kuyang oil was not arbitrary, because it must be placed in the room that there is no mirror or glass and there should be a big hole open.
Oil kuyang diempatkan usually in a small jar known as cupu. Cupu even this is not just any cupu, because it must cupu a "crack a thousand" aka cupu who have aged decades.

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