
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Strange Behavior of the President of Indonesia

Posted by snug of world | Saturday, November 13, 2010 | Category: |

President at smart Never Want to Lose
Although long a part of the reign of Soeharto and consider Suharto was once his father's teacher, but Habibie's leadership style is much in contrast with those who respect it.Muladi, former Minister of Justice in the New Order era said, the cabinet meeting led by Suharto always take place in an atmosphere tense.
The ministers are afraid to raise their hands volunteered to speak. While at the time of Habibie, the minister would scramble finger. Muladi described, susana cabinet meeting as a seminar: noisy, hot, sometimes gebrak-gebrak table like going rencontre.
Habibie himself that stimulate an atmosphere like that because he did enjoy debating.The more he got excited debate. Because of all the ministers may speak and debate opened wide as possible before the decision was made, the cabinet meeting could take place until late at night.
Habibie, according to a extrovert. Communication style full of spontaneity, bubbling, quick to react, without even thinking about the risks. When Habibie in emotional situations, he tends to act or make decisions quickly. As if he lost patience to lose his temper. Acting fast, apparently, one of the solutions to reduce tensinya.
This characteristic is illustrated by the story of separation of East Timor from Indonesia.
Everyone was surprised, especially the late Ali Alatas, who was then serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs, when Habibie suddenly announced to the international world of the options were granted to the people of East Timor: Indonesia still join or break away as an independent state.
Ringleader of a big decision this is a letter Astralia Prime Minister at the time, John Howard, who directed the Habibie in December 1998. According to Juwono Soedarsono, Habibie angry Howard read the letter which asked Indonesia to consider the political rights of the East Timorese people to claim self-determination.
Habibie felt the letter was like a challenge as well as criticism of the government of Indonesia. Since Habibie has a disposition not to be outdone by anyone then rose spontaneously answered the challenge.
In a cabinet meeting January 27, 1999 This grant policy questioned by Hendropriyono who was then serving as Minister of Transmigration. "If a plebiscite lose, how? Who is responsible? It's going to happen later exodus, an exodus of transmigrants who had 25 years there. Who is responsible? "Cecar Hendro as written in the book.
Habibie swiftly replied, "I am responsible."
Fahmi Idris, Minister of Labor, immediately replied, "What responsibility, the President?" Habibie's face looked red. A minister of the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) and then mediate the situation this summer.

Gus Dur
Sleep When meeting with Prime Minister of Korea
One time, in the era of Gus Dur's administration, Admiral Sukardi (Country of Minister of State Affairs Agency) took part in state visits to Europe and Asia. The President is very tight schedule so that makes it jazzed. The members of the entourage was incredible fatigue.
In Seoul, Wahid received a courtesy call the Prime Minister of Korea. The two leaders sat side by side. Korean Prime Minister speak sentence by sentence to be translated by a translator. Apparently, because it is very tired and not interesting to listen to the translation, Wahid was asleep.
In one part, Prime Minister of Korea said, "Mr. President, We have an Excellent nuclear technology for power plants. If you are Interested, We would be happy to have it for you.
(Mr. President, we have a sophisticated nuclear technology for power generation. If you are interested, we could be working on it for you), "
The Korean government offered assistance to nuclear technology for power plants of Indonesia.
At that time, Gus Dur was sleeping soundly. Finish the statement translated into English, Korean Prime Minister turned to Gus Dur waiting for an answer. However, there was no answer. Admiral quickly wake Gus Dur. "Gus ... Gus ... wake up! Gus ... he asked whether we are Interested with the power plant technology that he's got. "
Gus Dur because just woke from his sleep and not concentrate directly nyeplos, "My Minister ask about your nuclear technology ...! (I ask the Minister about nuclear technology that you own), "
Admiral amusement mixed with shame. Members of the group was embarrassed, did not dare to see the face of Prime Minister of Korea. "We are all ashamed. Red face us in the face of the Prime Minister of Korea, "said the Admiral.
Pound the table
Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur is the president of Indonesia to-4. His tenure was not long, only 21 months (20 October 1999 - July 23, 2001). He was deposed by the People's Consultative Assembly, led by Amies Rais and Megawati Sukarnoputri replaced.
Although the shortest span of leadership in Indonesia's history, but soccer terjangnya much controversy.
Maneuver-maneuver difficult to understand. His style of speak frankly become a boomerang for himself. Gus Dur can not separate his status as the scholars and the President of the Republic of Indonesia. His status as scholars often even more prominent than as head of state.
As a result, Gus Dur's chaotic political communication. As scholars Gus Dur is the figure that is open to anyone, including exposure to any information that dibisikan him.Cilakanya, Gus Dur often believe it in the whispers of people without ever again to check. Because of these whispers have also lost his gold career opportunities abroad.
Sukardi Admiral, was then Minister of State for Affairs of State Property Agency, said in the book, some times called Gus Dur to the palace. Gus Dur convey, there is an Indonesian who work abroad with an excellent reputation. He was young and smart. Gus Dur would like Admiral to find a position for that person.
"He's very smart. Then he would be drawn to New York. Kan, unfortunately if there is a smart young man, cook working abroad. Please, deh, "said Gus Dur as quoted by Admiral.
Not long after that day, the Admiral returned to Gus Dur. There is a vacant position as director of Indosat. "Gus, remember this baseball people, young Gus Leave the other day to me? He is more suitable in Indosat, Gus, "said the Admiral.
Wahid seems to have forgotten. After thinking for a while, he suddenly said aloud, "Baseball can be that person!" "Why, why, Gus?!" Admiral aghast. "He took away their neighbor's wife." Admiral shocked. The reason, he had sent him away from the company she worked, even asked to immediately get out because there are orders from the President. And he has been in Indonesia. Admiral then asked him to his office.
"Mas, kok Gus Dur said you take away their neighbor's wife?" Asked the Admiral. "By God, sir! I am still with my wife now, "replied the man.
Investigate a calibaration, it turns out Gus Dur got a whisper from a particular person about this young man. And, whisper it not in fact true. Young man with a PhD is finally working in a private bank. Admiral felt sorry. How could I not! His career in the foreign company that is already good, but garagara a prompter fate became a mess.
Gus Dur is also known as a highly emotional. When angry, he can pound the table and the harsh words rolled from his mouth. One of his former ministers who are not willing to be named said, he never scolded her heart out.
The story is this:
There was a relative of Gus Dur was sitting in government. Just mention his name XZ.Gus Dur was never raised XZ. However, a lead government agency appoint one of XZ as echelon 1. Perhaps, he thought with Gus Dur's relatives raised his career would be better considering the proximity of XZ with Gus Dur.
However, as the first echelon, XZ known to frequent "squeeze" a conglomerate of Chinese descent. The businessman was getting kind of "help" but with a very large reward. The minister is, call it AB, reported the behavior of XZ to Gus Dur. Gus Dur angry.
AB reviled because Gus Gus Dur Dur do not trust the report AB. A few days later, AB was called Gus Dur to the palace. Four-eye meeting. Once entered into the study Gus Dur, AB see Gus Dur bawl. He looks incredible grief-stricken. Old Gus Dur can not talk, just cry and cry.
AB confused, not knowing what is being experienced by Gus Dur. He tried to calm the Gus Dur. "Gus, quiet, Gus. Quiet, Gus! What's the problem? "He said, mengusapi and massaging his hands Gus Dur. A moment later, Wahid tried to control himself, before finally opening the sound.
In essence, he admitted the truth of information about the behavior of AB XZ has ever delivered. "I am ashamed! Very shy! Apparently, what you report to me was right all!Brazen him! "Said Gus Dur. Since then, and for over a year, Gus Dur was never greet XZ.
More Enthusiastic Talk About "Shopping"
Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri is the fifth. Could be called he was President of Indonesia's most taciturn. Sukarno's daughter is apparently a fanatical follower of the ancient proverb "Silence is Gold". However, Megawati's silence is often out of line. He remained silent even when his country needed clarity.
To the extent that (the late) Roeslan Abdulgani, hero 45, exclaimed, "Megawati speak as President!"
Once upon a time in one day, while still serving as president, Megawati Sukarnoputri seemed middle ages spoke with a minister at his official residence, at Jl Teuku Umar, Jakarta. While the conversation took place, an aide to another nearby waiting anxiously.
The reason, he has been waiting a long pass from the time appointed for the meeting.After Megawati talks with his ministers, this aide asked the minister. "Old is very wrong with you ngobrolnya. What the hell are discussed? "
" there, Mr,.. We talked of other things that baseball has to do with the country! "Replied the minister, laughing broadly.
That Megawati. Based on the narrative Sukardi Admiral, former Minister of State Owned Enterprises State when discussing with aides, more frequent mild problems such as food, plants, and shopping. Discussions with topics that can make a discussion with Megawati last long.
But, if it is touching about the job or the country, the focus is very limited. Concentration is less sufficient to continuously focus on the problem. This raises the impression Megawati people who do not want to be bothered in the care of the state.
Former Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle pentiggi who is now resigned and founded the Democratic Renewal Party, Roy BB Janis, in Megawati's cabinet meeting is usually more quiet. Even if the lift function only as a regulator of voice traffic. If there are two ministers are arguing in the cabinet meeting, Megawati only watching, rarely giving his own opinion or mediate both, though the debate was located at a level of 'hot'.
There cukilan interesting story about Megawati's silence. Towards the close of 2002 the actions of anti-government protests, waged mainly students, show a high escalation.This action following the policy of the government raised prices of fuel and electricity.Amid the uproar Ingar protests, said there were rumors beredarlah certain parties who intentionally mengompori series of protests.
As someone who was partly responsible for the stability of government, Hendropriyono (Head of State Intelligence Agency), Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Coordinating Minister for Political and Security), and Da'i Bachtiar (Police), apparently continues to rack one's brains to find out who the mastermind behind the actions this.
Then, in a cabinet meeting on 20 January 2003, came four names mentioned as a party that is behind the demonstrations. They are General Wiranto, Fuad Bawazier, Adi Sasono, and Eros Djarot. About Fuad Bawazier, was long known is a Kelvin Rini business partner who was then serving as Minister of Industry and Trade in Megawati's cabinet.
Partnership they occur long before a minister Rini. One day met Hendropriyono and Rini Suwandi in Megawati's residence on Jl Teuku Umar. Hendro harsh rebuke Rini about Fuad lunge kick. Hendro words glide undisguised. Reprimand was so painful Rini until he cried, hugging Megawati.
What is the reaction of President? Megawati just smiled witnessed scenes of a war of words between the two helpers nearby.
All the people understand, until this moment Megawati unwilling to meet with Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the ruling which is actually a former aide in the cabinet. In a state ceremony commemorating the anniversary of Indonesian independence to-63, 17 August, this year, Megawati did not attend.
Absence of factors believed to be due to Yudhoyono as president.
In the eyes of Megawati, Susilo Bambang Yuhoyono (SBY) is no more a traitor, even a sadistic Brutus. This is all because of the attitude of "secretly" SBY who ran for President in Election 2004.
SBY as unmanly. Several times SBY Megawati asked whether to forward the 2004 elections. SBY diplomatically replied, "Not to think about it, Mom. I still concentration to the task as the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security. "
However, Megawati and her camp put a great suspicion of SBY and his team. The dispute ensued under the covers.
Revealed to the public that Megawati SBY isolate from cabinet meetings. Megawati's attitude is advantageous because it SBY SBY appear in the media as victims of injustice Megawati.
March 12, 2004 Yudhoyono sent a letter of resignation from the cabinet. Two days later he flew to Banyuwangi, campaigned for the Democratic Party. In the second round of the 2004 election of SBY resounding win in the vote. Megawati sad and cry. Everyone knows, when Yudhoyono's inauguration at the House of Assembly on October 20, 2004 Megawati did not attend, but many people close to persuade him to come.
Everyone also knows, that morning Megawati did not even sit in front of the television, but busy gardening.
According to Roy BB Janis, rage and hatred Megawati's PDIP articulated in the DPP meeting. "If others, Amien Rais, President, Wiranto President, siapalah, I come. But, if this (SBY) baseball I could, because he was stabbing me from behind, "he said Megawati as quoted by Roy
 Next, what about Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY)? SBY is the figure of a perfectionist. He always looks neat with the said words are arranged. SBY certainly aware that he is a man who God blessed with a face quite handsome. And, he really take advantage of his good looks every time you perform in front of the press. As if kegantengannya and dandy performances are a special attraction that should always be 'sold' to the public every time he appears.
"Clothing worn-whether in the form of a suit or batik-always-quality No. 1 with the colors, motifs, and the size of steady, reflecting a high taste for dress. At that he might be more appropriate given the title as 'photo model' or 'actor' than a 'head'.
As a perfectionist, SBY is always trying to communicate with body language and verbal perfect. However, style is often a high-context language, tend to spin in circles, especially when he is not ready with his decision.
Unfortunately, not many hidden things are revealed in the analysis of political communication style SBY. Maybe his aides have not dared to speak openly because Mr. President is still in power.

From the book "Up From Sukarno: President
Political intrigue and Lobby The Ruler "by Prof.. Dr. Tjipta Lesmana, MA.

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